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Broken Ever After by Natalie Graham

roken Ever After by Natalie Graham is full of twists and surprises. The first half of the book you get to know about Olivia Stevens. Olivia has a crush on her hot math teacher Mr.Matthews(Jamie) for about six years and one faithful day things change when she gets detention. That day the whole course of Olivia’s life changed when Mr. Matthews actually reciprocated back his feelings. what's a girl to do? 
"Did I just dream that? I touched my fingertips to my lips which were still tingling from the feel of Jamie's pressed against them..."
From that day forward they were inseparable. Dealing with the whole teacher and student issue didn't help them at all. when Olivia's Ex boyfriend comes into the picture and wants her back and he will do anything to have her. Things start to get a little crazy and move pretty fast at this point.
The relationship between Olivia and Jamie was sweet and hot. I loved their chemistry it seemed a bit rushed but if you think about it they both had crush on each other so it was bound to happen quickly I would say.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
“I’m sure”
“ I don't want you to do this as a reaction to what happened tonight; I want you to want to because it means something to you, like it does to me.”
“What does it mean to you?”
“To me... It means that I will be making love to my girlfriend for the first time, sharing that moment with her, showing her how much I...”
“How much I’m in love with her... I love you”
As you get to the middle of the book It felt like I went right into the second book in the series with a whole new set of characters and twists to the story and it got pretty damn interesting as a new sexer and hotter guy who is a PPO named Connor Riley comes into play and grabs Olivia’s interest and did I say mine? To Olivia everything feels different with Connor
“I always thought it sounded stupid when people say that the “earth moved for them” but it actually did. I felt like everything I’d know had been tipped upside down, flipped in reverse and turned inside out. I didn't know which way was up anymore.”
Now doesn't that just make you wonder what happened to Mr. Matthews? The second half of Broken Ever After is truly a good story that will leave you guessing until the end. 
One of a few things that I didn't like was her parents. They aren't ever around and always working. They don’t realize that their daughter is dating a teacher or whatever else is happening in her life. Which I didn't like only because of Olivias dark past. As a parent you protect your child after something so dark and they just weren't there. The other is what happened to her friends? I can’t really say what I want without spoiling it but I’ll say that after what happened. You would think that they would be there.
Broken Ever After was a good story. It had everything from anger, joy,sadness to emotion. But it felt a bit short when it came to bringing it all together. I felt it was a bit rushed at times and lacking in other areas. But it does not in anyway mean that it wasn't enjoyable. It was a bit slow pace in the beginning but through the middle it grabbed my interest until the end. I was left with questions without  answers so I will be reading the next installment of this series. Hopefully it will be a bit more put together and flow better but I'm sure it will still be a great story as Broken Ever After was.
My rating for Broken Ever After by Natalie Graham is a 3 1/2 stars (Good)
Source: http://helenasbookobsession.blogspot.com/2013/09/book-review.html